Free Limited OB Ultrasounds
Free Limited OB Ultrasound
If you are uncertain about which choice to make regarding your pregnancy or are thinking about abortion, we recommend that you have a limited OB ultrasound to answer some of these questions regarding your pregnancy: “How far along am I?” and “Does my pregnancy appear viable?”. Finding out these answers allows you to more thoroughly explore the risks and benefits of your options. Additionally, limited OB ultrasound services are offered for the purposes of confirming an intrauterine pregnancy, detecting fetal cardiac activity, and estimating gestational age only. To access these services, you first need to schedule a pregnancy test and meet with a personal advocate.

Take Your Most Important Next Step
If your pregnancy test results come back positive, your next most important step is to receive a limited OB ultrasound. This procedure is safe and painless. Limited OB ultrasound tests use sound waves that are transmitted into your belly to get a picture of your pregnancy. Those pictures then are able to verify your pregnancy, decide if your pregnancy is viable (capable of surviving) and whether the fetus is in the proper location in the uterus or lodged outside the uterus, which can be life-threatening. This information will help you decide on all of your options available to you.
Considering Abortion You Might Not Need One
As many as 1 in 4 pregnancies end in natural miscarriages* and your pregnancy test could still be showing positives. The earliest way to confirm a pregnancy is with a medical-grade pregnancy test and ultrasound, which we provide free of charge.

How Far Along You Are Determines Your Options
Depending upon how far along you are, your options for abortion procedures may differ. Before you are able to visit an abortion clinic it is a good idea to have a limited OB ultrasound done, so you know exactly how far along you are. Make an appointment at Parkville Women’s Clinic for free and helpful information regarding abortion procedures for your unique circumstance.
* National Institutes of Health (2019). Miscarriage. Retrieved from; Wilcox AJ, Weinberg CR, O’Connor JF, Baird DD, Schlatterer JP, Canfield RD (1988). Incidence of early loss of pregnancy. N Engl J Med; 319:89-94.